Another Monday down
Wow, I hate Mondays. I only have two classes (not including a lab like my previous two quarters even) and yet I'm still so exhausted. By all rights, I get up at 7am after the weekend. I also volunteer Monday afternoons. As a pre-nursing student, it's basically required (or "highly recommended") that I gain hospital experience, one way or another. I've been volunteering at Swedish Med Center downtown for a couple of weeks now. It's getting better but it's still draining. They hardly have anything for me to do for 2 1/2 hours every day. It's pretty pathetic. I've been spending a good deal of time stocking gloves in the rooms on my floor. I also receive wrath from stressed-out nurses. So far it's really made me contemplate whether or not I wish to keep doing this. Unfortunately, Swedish has a 6-month volunteer commitment (it honestly feels like I'm already here for life).
I work at Provinces in Edmonds. I've been there a year already and am still bussing. Sometimes serving, depending on my shift. Basically, I really get some high quality bitch work. I keep telling myself that I won't be working here forever and I won't always be as abused as I am at Provs. However, that's really not true if I decide to stay on the course I'm on. I don't know. Taking the metro bus every week is also a real downer. I think I just hate this city and most of the people in it. And yet my boyfriend is moving out here in a month to join me. I'm currently thinking that I might move after I graduate and finish my studies (that's so French class: "Quand mes etudes sont terminees..."). Perhaps move back to Denver together if things keep on the way they are. That would be a real hoot - moving back to the city that my family left before I came along. Oh well. In the meantime, I'm just trying to finish these remaining two weeks of classes and survive my stats course with a decent grade. Thanks for reading - this really is therapeutic.
see, that's because you haven't had enough sunburns yet. this is the sunburn state, or should be
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