Ok, ok. So I haven't updated in a while. School is under way again and it's going alright. I'm taking German 101, CSE 100 and History of Late Antiquity 314. I got a 4.0 on my first history paper, too! This is definitely the hardest history class I've had yet so I'm extremely pleased. The downside of this quarter is all of the homework I have. And it's all due on Mondays. Well, mostly. It's really due all the time. Since I work all weekend, it's really a pain in the ass. I have a history quiz on Monday that I really haven't studied for. I'm waiting for Jeremy to get home tonight to study with him. He really enjoys studying the Roman Empire while I enjoy the history of Christianity mostly. Jeremy and I went to an Open House for prospective Naturopathic Doctors today at Bastyr University in Kenmore. He's really quite excited for it and he needs to get his application out this week (yikes, getting close to those deadlines). I'm happy that he's found his niche, something that he's truly passionate about. I'm still waiting for my job in data entry and the like at the Seattle Prostate Institute to kick in. I don't think I mentioned that before. I've changed my major and am looking at Health Information Administration now. I think it fits my personality much better than Nursing. Anyway, it now looks like it'll start around the end of March or so. Which is ok. I'm just excited to get on a track that'll see me through to the start of my career though. I'm also planning on moving out of the dorms and down into the U-District full-time this summer. Perhaps with Jeremy in an effort to both see each other as much as possible and to save as much money as we can. Here's to hoping it works out. But as always, I'm just trying to get through the quarter! Oh and Jess, I promise we'll hang out soon. You know how crazy life is.
this is the way it goes and goes...
a glimpse into sara's current musings
So, I did actually read what you posted the day after you wrote it, but I have a tendency of reading things (E-mails...blogs) and because I'm busy, not writing back when I should. Anywho, I hope school is still going well and your surviving the quarter, hunh! And everything else is going well.
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