09 July 2005

Went for a run earlier. Too bad I'd drank that diet root beer a little bit before. I had a terrible stitch throughout the whole run, haha. At the end, Jeremy told me to push it and accelerate; I wanted to kill him. However, now I'm quite glad I went and feel accomplished and satisfied. I didn't do too much else today. Went to work for the usual 2 1/2 hours (gotta love those lunch shifts!) and spilled hot and sour soup all over the counter. Genius. Oh, this is great: my coworker almost quit the other day because our boss keeps yelling at him for washing his hands too often. We work in a restaurant, I mean, come on! His restaurant, no less. It's so absurd. My boss is just... too much to handle most of the time. In order to feel productive, he starts bitching at us as soon as he walks in the door. It doesn't matter that he doesn't know what's going on in his restaurant and that we've been handling it perfectly. I realize this isn't a unique situation, unfortunately.

My manager, Tam, is leaving for Vietnam for a month next Saturday. Tam works 6 days a week, open to close, so we're really going to feel the difference without him. I think we'll be ok, but it might be hard to put up with our superiors otherwise. We'll see. Oh, and Uncle Ve (our appetizer man and dishwasher) has taught me how to say two phrases in Vietnamese: 'thank you' and 'I'm sorry,' though I can't spell them. Uncle Ve is my favorite!


At 7/11/2005 09:26:00 AM, Blogger Purring said...

I hate bosses who bitch to feel important and needed. Have you ever read The Peter Principle?

At 7/11/2005 07:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

honey, i'm trying to get you past the block of physical pain. i know you can do it so i push you. sorry that i pushed too hard.

At 7/11/2005 11:04:00 PM, Blogger Sara said...

I haven't read The Peter Principle. What's it about?


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