31 August 2005

And finally, the only animal we really witnessed in person. She's sweet. Posted by Picasa

Beautiful Mt. Olympus. Posted by Picasa

Here I am, not looking too amused, haha. Posted by Picasa

The forest. Posted by Picasa

Here's Jeremy near the beginning of our hike. Posted by Picasa

Sorry I haven't been posting anything. Hmmm. Oh! Jeremy and I went backpacking last week at Olympic National Park. It was really beautiful and also really exhausting. Still, I'm glad we did it, it was good exercise. Yesterday was my birthday, so yay, 19 years old. I didn't do much incidentally. I cleaned my room and it was so incredibly cleansing. It freed my soul of some extra stress even if just for one day. Hope everyone's well and enjoying the waning days of summer.

08 August 2005

What's summer?

Not much news, I've still been working my tush off the last couple of weeks. I worked a wedding yesterday and cut my first wedding cake! It held together well, so that made it easier. I was scheduled for a night off from Provinces tonight but got called in anyway. Fortunately, I traded that for Saturday night off and now can participate in the dinner between Jeremy's family and mine at our house (good thing, too, it might be awkward otherwise). I'm starting to get used to this crazy work schedule though. I don't mind it except that I hardly see Jeremy, ironically since he moved here to see me more. And actually, I called him at work before I went to work and offered to bring home some food for him, my treat, of course. So he requested Kang Gai (chicken and veggies in a thai coconut milk curry sauce). I brought it home and, not only was he a bit absorbed in his knitting to pay attention, he wasn't very hungry either. He probably just ate because he felt coerced into it. Little things like that make me angry. Last week, I was cooking him food before work: a Greek salad, some yogurt (well, I didn't make that), some wild long grain rice and a lime tequila turkey tenderloin. He filled up on the first two and couldn't eat the others. I wanted to cry. Maybe I'm just being too premenstrual and overdramatic.

Anyway, three days of clinical in a row to look forward to. Boy, do I love changing old people's diapers and moving 300+ pound people with a miniature crane. Only four (= 32 hours) long, hard days left. And working at Provinces every night until Saturday. Cheers.