Oh! My mouth still hurts so much! This sucks. Tonight I start this nurse's aide course. Hopefully it's not too bad. I'm hanging out watching tv with my sister. Jeremy has a follow-up interview at Linens 'N Things (not his first choice). Finally saw Wicker Park last night. What a fucked up movie. After the first 8 minutes I was a bit too impatient to watch it all, but I stuck it out. Not too much else to say though. That's summer.
this is the way it goes and goes...
a glimpse into sara's current musings
28 June 2005
21 June 2005
Today I had my wisdom teeth removed. I've never had surgery before so I didn't quite know what to expect. Once they had hooked up my anesthesia, I remember thinking, "Ok, so how will this work? Will I just start seeing black spots?" Right after that, I was being told that they were all finished and it was time to go. Funny. Oh, and just to rub it in, my sister Lauren and Jeremy made these two fantastic looking pizzas with potato in the crust that made them super fluffy. I couldn't eat anything but a smoothie. On the bright side, I have oxycodone to kill the pain I'll be feeling for the next couple of days and then it's back to eating real food!
19 June 2005
Oh, I almost forgot. I ended up with a 3.9 in French, a 3.8 in the history of Dante and a 3.3 in Stats. Not too bad, considering I was expecting a 2.5 in there, haha. Yay, so a 3.67 or something overall and another quarter on the Dean's List!
Back to the grind
I'm back and I miss Colorado dearly. Even though Jeremy's back with me, and currently searching for a job, I can't help but feel a) guilty for stealing him away from his friends and family and b) that this is completely unnatural. We'll see how it goes and now we're planning on relocating back to Colorado in a few years after our schooling is completed. My trip was fun. It was hard to spend so much "quality time" with my family, especially since every day was full of meeting new or old relatives and friends. Reunions are so exhausting. Nonetheless, I love Colorado and it was worth it to go back. Unfortunately, I'm back in Seattle now and I need to prepare to dive back into the crappy stuff - like volunteering at Swedish and this CNA course in a couple of weeks. If I'm this nervous about nursing, does it mean I'm not cut out for it or that I want it that bad?
16 June 2005
well all, she's not dead she's just sleeping. or something. she's been offline for a while and really isn't jonesing too bad yet. i'm sure she'll be back soon.
06 June 2005
The Adventures With King County Metro continue
My bus lost power on Capital Hill today. What. The. Fuck. I was late to Swedish, half an hour in fact, but they didn't notice. And fortunately, I hardly had enough stuff to do for two hours. What would I have done for the whole two and a half? My statistics final is tomorrow which means that Meghna and I have been teaching ourselves the entire quarter's material over the last two days. I guess I feel a little more confident, but that's deeply disconcerting that I'm not overly so. What the hell am I going to do? What if I fail it miserably? I can basically kiss my future goodbye (which is not exaggerating since UW houses the top nursing school in the country). Or just find a more suitable career, I suppose. Haha. At least by this time tomorrow I will be finished with school, moved out of my dorm and relaxing in the peace and quiet of my parents' home. Oh, and I finally saw the finale of Desperate Housewives. I can't wait for fall.