30 May 2005

I'm addicted to vitamin water

I just got back from volunteering. They let me leave early and still log the hours (even though I was planning that anyway) which was super nice. I checked the bus schedules earlier before I left from home and made sure I could find my way back to my dorm because, as it's Memorial Day, the bus schedules in Seattle are totally fucked up. Long story short, I walked way far and eventually caught a bus (after it nearly passed me). It was a fortunate event; I wasn't looking forward to walking the entire way back. Alas, I'm now back at school and my dorm room looks seriously trashed. More homework to do tonight. I wrote my Humanities paper last night, though, the second half was like squeezing blood from a turnip. I usually can get through papers pretty fast. Last night however, and Jeremy can attest to this, it was painful, and painful to read, too, haha. This week will be nuts, but by this time next week I will be down to my last final and finally some semblance of summer. Hallelujah.

29 May 2005

Here's my kitty Mia. Isn't she gorgeous?! This photo (from my phone) is kinda trippy, too. Posted by Hello

I loooove holiday weekends. Everyone feels lazy about this time of year. Unfortunately, I have to write a paper today for my Humanities course on Dante and I'm really doubting that I can stretch it out to 5 pages. It's gonna be tough. I'm currently just outlining my points and thinking, "crap." I don't ever want to write a paper again. I figured that after my English Comp. course last quarter the two papers for this class would be a breeze. Turns out I just can't motivate myself very efficiently. Too bad. Oh, I watched the beginning of the Muppets Wizard of Oz (I love the Muppets) and wtf, Ashanti is Dorothy? I'm not really liking how... ABC Family it is, but it's somewhat creative and the Muppets are still great. I love that Frank Oz does so many voices and incidentally, Ms. Piggy is Yoda's evil twin, haha. Last night I also finished Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. If you haven't, go read it now. It's so funny. Half of it is about the French culture and learning the language. His tirade about the Roman bell that delivers Easter chocolate is just fucking hilarious. I highly recommend it.

27 May 2005

Oh my gosh, it's so hot. It's pushing 90 degrees in Seattle which is so totally odd. This is such a great day though! It's gorgeous out and I'm done with classes for the day. My French class was cancelled because we're on track for this chapter and it's a holiday weekend anyway. Oh, and I don't have to work tonight, unfortunately. This means that I'll only log, what, 5 1/2 hours for this entire week? Shiiiiit. That's awful. Friday's the money night, too. So I totally don't have any plans tonight. Perhaps I'll just read outside and try to get some color to my poor, white legs. Ha ha.

Quid es tibi?

See i can just post on here to make things more interesting for you all. my blog is basically crap usually. but this blog, this blog has potential. i mean, we're talking about an editor here. she's going to figure out how to customize this thing until it's just what she thinks it should be. i'm happy with a minimalistic background, a few pictures and a few words. but you know what? sara's blog is that journal into what she's been doing. i've been working, basically, and i've been getting excited for moving to seattle. and i've been getting really excited to wake up next to her in the morning and having it feel special but completely ordinary at the same time. for now, that is all.

24 May 2005

Frisbee is overrated

So today, instead of going to the gym and working out with my roommate Meghna, as planned, we met her boyfriend, Wes, and cousin, Nayan and played frisbee. It was enlightening as none of us were that great. The high point of the evening was when Nayan hit a girl in the butt (she wasn't pleased) and awarded himself 1 point. So at any rate, it did turn out to be a fun time. Also, we saw this baby chihuahua get dragged across the lawn because he couldn't keep up with his owner. It was really quite sad. I'm almost out of class! Eight more days of class and then a few days for finals. In reality I only have a French final exam and stats final exam, otherwise it's just a paper for my Dante class. Oh, and I actually got an 85 (!) on one of my stats quizzes. All quarter I've been making stupid errors and receiving scores of 75 since partial credit is seldom awarded. The final is worth half my grade so I really can't afford to make stupid errors at 8:30 in the morning, eh?

This is my wallpaper. Yoda is my favorite. Posted by Hello

i'm like the fat I.T. guy...

I'm going to abuse my powers!! hehehehe

23 May 2005

Another Monday down

Wow, I hate Mondays. I only have two classes (not including a lab like my previous two quarters even) and yet I'm still so exhausted. By all rights, I get up at 7am after the weekend. I also volunteer Monday afternoons. As a pre-nursing student, it's basically required (or "highly recommended") that I gain hospital experience, one way or another. I've been volunteering at Swedish Med Center downtown for a couple of weeks now. It's getting better but it's still draining. They hardly have anything for me to do for 2 1/2 hours every day. It's pretty pathetic. I've been spending a good deal of time stocking gloves in the rooms on my floor. I also receive wrath from stressed-out nurses. So far it's really made me contemplate whether or not I wish to keep doing this. Unfortunately, Swedish has a 6-month volunteer commitment (it honestly feels like I'm already here for life).

I work at Provinces in Edmonds. I've been there a year already and am still bussing. Sometimes serving, depending on my shift. Basically, I really get some high quality bitch work. I keep telling myself that I won't be working here forever and I won't always be as abused as I am at Provs. However, that's really not true if I decide to stay on the course I'm on. I don't know. Taking the metro bus every week is also a real downer. I think I just hate this city and most of the people in it. And yet my boyfriend is moving out here in a month to join me. I'm currently thinking that I might move after I graduate and finish my studies (that's so French class: "Quand mes etudes sont terminees..."). Perhaps move back to Denver together if things keep on the way they are. That would be a real hoot - moving back to the city that my family left before I came along. Oh well. In the meantime, I'm just trying to finish these remaining two weeks of classes and survive my stats course with a decent grade. Thanks for reading - this really is therapeutic.

Jeremy trying to make me feel better at DIA Posted by Hello

22 May 2005

the real mystery tsatsuma Posted by Hello

This is what Sundays were made for

Oh, my good Lord. Day 2 and this blogger.com is driving me nuts. It just took me a half hour to put my one measly picture up on my profile and then figure out how to put my profile back on the sidebar. Unfortunately, I was forced to remove Jeremy as a contributor. That doesn't much matter, because he knows my username and password anyway. I've had such an easy day. I stuffed myself with chiffon cake and now my brain feels slightly fuzzy. Karma, eh? Oh, and I spent a good part of the day as well trying to chase down David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day as an extra credit read for French. I placed it on hold via the internet earlier this morning (one of six copies) and yet there were zero available at the library. What luck. I guess I can't really complain about my luck as a result of Jeremy's string of unfortunate events. Poor thing. But life always triumphs in the end (right?).

21 May 2005

Jeremy came upon this lost and forgotten blog today. I completely forgot I had started it so long ago. Interesting. I'm still frustrated with Blogger. I think I'm one of few who has trouble changing these settings. Alas, it's Saturday night and I have nothing better to do than to sit down and fuss with it. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Oh, and do you like how I reverted back to capitals?